This web hosts Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI Level 3 products of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) tropospheric column for the Po Valley area (7° E and 13° E; 44° N and 46° N) and for a period from May 2018 to April 2020, which also covers the period January 2020 - April 2020 of COVID-19 diffusion.

Monthly Level 3 NO2 products at a regular sampling of 1 km x 1 km have been obtained by a regridding procedure (Cersosimo et al., 2020) applied to the Level 2 TROPOMI NO2 data, which are originally sparse and uneven because of gaps introduced by clouds.

The higher spatial sampling NO2 dataset showed that NO2 concentrations in March 2020 have likely decreased as a consequence of the lockdown because of COVID-19, although the far warmest winter season ever recorded over Europe in 2020 has favored a general NO2 decrease in comparison to the 2019 winter. The monthly maps of NO2 concentration over the Po Valley for the period December to March for both the COVID-19 (that is 2019-2020) and the no COVID (2018-2019) periods are shown below.


Please reference the following papers for any use of these products:

CERSOSIMO A., SERIO C, MASIELLO G (2020). TROPOMI NO2 Tropospheric Column Data: Regridding to 1 km Grid-Resolution and Assessment of their Consistency with In Situ Surface Observations. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2212.


TROPOMI L3 NO2 Tropospheric Column maps are available in .gif format, with one map per month.

2018 2019 2020