The φ-IASI Package
The tool φ-IASI (Grieco et al. 2010), (Masiello et al., 2009), (Grieco et al., 2007) is a package intended for the generation of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) synthetic spectra and for the inversion of geophysical parameters: temperature and water vapour profiles, low vertical resolution profiles of ozone, carbon monoxide, methane and nitrous oxide (N2O).
The European IASI instrument covers the spectral range between 3.6 and 15.5 micron with a spectral resolution of 0.25 cm-1 and it was launched on board of MetOp satellite on 19 October 2006.
The scheme has been originally developed for IASI and has been used to assist the design phase of that spectrometer. In its present version, φ-IASI is well suited for nadir viewing satellite infrared sensors with a sampling rate in the range 0.1-2 cm-1.
Into details the package includes following modules:
σ-IASI: forward model (Amato et al., 2002), (Masiello and Serio, 2003)
δ-IASI: physical inverse scheme (Carissimo et al. 2005) (Lubrano et al. 2004)
ν2-IASI: neural network inversion scheme (Grieco et al. 2005)
ε-IASI: EOF based regression scheme (Serio et al. 2009)
a FSIR (Functional Sliced Inverse Regression) procedure for the computation of the first guess state of the atmosphere, which is used for the initialization of the non-linear physical inversion (Amato et al 2009)
γδσ-IASI: Cloud Detection Scheme (Serio et al. 2000), (Masiello et al. 2002), (Masiello et al. 2003), (Masiello et al. 2004)
φ-IASI Request Form
Please consider that the software we distributed did not contain the latest features regarding, e.g., lambertian reflection (σ-IASI) and surface emissivity retrieval and random projection (δ-IASI).
In addition, regarding δ-IASI, be advised that the module for the background vector and covariance is not provided and is left to the user.
The latest copy of the software are intended for research use and at present we have a working copy alone.
In the due time, it might be that these new features will be introduced within an updated version. However, we cannot say when this will be done, because it mostly depends on the budget and people we can allocate for this action. At moment neither EUMETSAT nor CNES/ASI are funding the updating of phi-IASI, therefore we have no interest in working on the software updating.
Of course, we are opened to collaborations and this could be the best and rapid way to meet your need. You could also consider to visit us.