AS-UNIBAS has been involved in many research projects funded and/or endorsed by CNR (Italian Research Council), MIUR (Italian Ministry for University), EC (European Commission), ASI (Italian Space Agency), ESA (European Space Agency), and EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Research Funding in recent years
Italian Ministry for University
PON OT4CLIMA (D.D. 2261 del 6.9.2018, PON R&I 2014-2020 and FSC)
COS(OT), project
POP (Programma Operativo Plurifondo) Sviluppo di un velocimetro laser doppler innovativo
PRIN Year 2005, Project 2005025202, AREA 02-Field: phisics
PRIN Year 2004. Project 2004023854_002, AREA 02-Field: phisics
Italian Space Agency
ASI-UNIBO FIT-FORUM n. 2023-23-HH.0, CUP F33C23000240005 (July 2023-October 2025)
ASI-CNR/IBE MC-FORUM, n. 2023-4-HB.0, CUP 93C23000460001 (January 2024-January 2026)
ASI-CNR/IFAC CASIA, n. 2023-3-HB.0 (January 2024-January 2026)
ASI-CNR/INO FORUM SCIENZA n. 2019-20-HH.0 (October 2019 - May 2023)
Project WAGRIT
Project Studio del ciclo idrologico da piattaforme satellitari: temperatura vapor d'acqua, costituenti minori, proprietà ottiche delle nubi
Project R&D bread-board for a Fourier Transform Spectrometer to remotely sense the rotational water vapour band (10-1000 cm-1)
MERIS/AATSR/AVHRR/IASI/ Mediterranean Cloud Mask and Cloud Property Retrieval
EU fundingS
GERB, project ENV4- CT97-0438, involving:
CCLRC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Institute Royal Meteorologique Belgique, Belgium
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bologna, Italy
GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Germany
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Meteorological Office, Bracknell, UK
University of Leicester, UK
Blackett Laboratory, Department of phisics, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Fisica e dell'Ambiente, Università della Basilicata, Italy
Utilisation of Reconstructed Radiances from IASI for Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality applications EUMETSAT ITT N 20/219414
ComboCloud: Combined MWS and IASI-NG Soundings for Cloud Properties, EUMETSAT ITT 19/218285 EUM/CO/19/4600002352/THH
Implementation of an algorithm for the simultaneous retrieval of Surface Temperature and Emissivity from SEVIRI/METEOSAT measurements LSA-SAF (Project LSASAF_AS2018-01)
Contract EUM/CO/14/4600001450/SAT
Contract EUM/CO/14/4600001329/PDW
Contract EUM/CO/12/4600001033/SAT
Contract EUM/CO/11/4600000996/PDW
Contract EUM/CO/09/4600000635/SAT
Contract EUM/CO/07/4600000398/SAT
Contract EUM/CO/05/1466/SAT
Contract EUM/CO/04/1285/RST
Contract EUM/CO/02/1384/ST
Contract EUM/CO/02/1053/PS
Contract EUM/CO/99/688/DD
FORUM E2E Simulator - MetOp-SG Module (MSGM, July 2023 - July 2024)
CAIRT-PerRec, CAIRT for safety aviation (May 2024 - October 2025)
Investigating Spectroscopy and Forward Model Improvements for Atmospheric Retrieval of Methane in the Thermal Infrared (CH4TIR) ESA ITT 1-9177/16/NL/AF
Applied Spettroscopy to Environmental Analysis