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Technical reports

C. Serio (P.I.), G. Liuzzi, G. Masiello, S. Venafra, and U. Amato, MTG Ground Segment - Consolidation of the IRS scene classification module, Final Report EUMETSAT (Contract EUM/CO/14/4600001450/SAT). EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2016. Revised by R. Stuhlmann and S. Tjemkes, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2185.6401

C. Serio (P.I.), G. Masiello, S. Venafra, U. Amato, and I. De Feis, Kalman Filter estimation of surface temperature and emissivity from SEVIRI, Final Report EUMETSAT (Contract EUM/CO/14/4600001329/PDW). EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2014. Revised by P. Watts, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2017.7442

C. Serio (P.I.), G. Masiello, S. Venafra, U. Amato, and I. De Feis, Application Data for MTG-IRS Cloud Detection Method, Final Report EUMETSAT (Contract EUM/CO/12/4600001033/SAT). EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2013. Revised by R. Stuhlmann and S. Tjemkes, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4231.1844

C. Serio (P.I.), G. Masiello, M. Amoroso, S. Venafra, U. Amato, and I. De Feis, Study on space-time constrained Parameter Estimation from Geostationary data, Final Report EUMETSAT (Contract EUM/CO/11/4600000996/PDW), EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2012. Revised by P. Watts, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4898.5120

C. Serio (P.I.), G. Masiello, G. Grieco, U. Amato, and I. De Feis, Consolidation of scientific baseline for MTG-IRS level 2 processing: role of OE with background state and associated error from climatology, Final Report EUMETSAT (Contract EUM/CO/09/4600000/SAT), EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2010. Revised by R. Stuhlmann and S. Tjemkes, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2624.6566

P. Di Girolamo, G. Grieco, G. Masiello, C. Serio (P.I.), and D. Summa, Assessing the 3-D correlation structure of atmospheric humidity fields and evaluation of the MTG Infrared Sounding Mission to resolve it (MTG//3D), Final Report (Contract EUM/CO/07/4600000398/SAT), EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2007. Revised by R. Stuhlmann and S. Tjemkes, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3855.7603

U. Amato, G. Grieco, G. Masiello, and C. Serio (P.I.), Assessment of the Temperature and water vapour retrieval capability and performance of the MTG Infrared Sounding Mission under different noise and spectral coverage scenarios, Final Report (Contract EUM/CO/05/1466/SAT), EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2006. Revised by R. Stuhlmann and S. Tjemkes, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2237.8401

G. Grieco, G. Masiello, and C. Serio (P.I.), MTG IR Sounder water vapour retrieval: Assessment of the performance using sounder bands IRS-5 and IRS-6, versus IRS-5 or IRS-6, Final Report (contract EUM/CO/04/1285/RST), EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2004. Revised by R. Stuhlmann, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3417.4882

A. Carissimo, G. Grieco, A. Luchetta, G. Masiello, C. Serio (P.I.), and M. Viggiano, AIDA-phase III: Validation of the φ-IASI package with NAST-I data}, Final Report of AIDA phase III (Contract EUM/CO/02/1053/PS), EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2004. Revised by P. Schlussel, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4728.2086

C. Serio (P.I.), F. Esposito, L. Palchetti, R. Rizzi, R&D bread-board for a Fourier Transform Spectrometer to remotely sense the rotational water vapour band (10-1000 cm-1), Executive Summary, Project ASI-I/R/27/00, Italy, 2002

C. Serio (P.I.), F. Esposito, L. Palchetti, R. Rizzi, R&D bread-board for a Fourier Transform Spectrometer to remotely sense the rotational water vapour band (10-1000 cm1), Technical Note, Project ASI-I/R/27/00, Italy, 2002

U. Amato, I. De Feis, A. Lubrano, G. Masiello, C. Serio (P.I.), and M. Viggiano, φ-IASI, The phisical Forward/Inverse Model for IASI, Final Report of AIDA phase II (Contract EUM/CO/99/688/DD), EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, 2001. Revised by P. Schlussel